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  • #5297 Reply


    If you are using a laser to prep, you do not need to use aa to “remove the smear layer”. The laser does that, period! I believe, if you saw a SEM of the tooth after laser preparation, you wouldn’t WANT to touch it with anything other than your bonding agents. I know that Stu Rosenburg, and Kim Kutsch, who are very much into aa, AND lasers, agree with me on this issue. Are you using a laser to prep? When I check your profile, it says you don’t have a laser. Just wondering. If not, yes, I agree, use aa after the drill. Good observation.

    #5286 Reply

    greg holm

    Mark. No, I don’t currently own a laser. But, I am convinced that sometime in the not so distant future I will have a delight or waterlase. I have seen and demo’d the waterlase but want to check out the delight too. I really appreciate Ron’s site here and all of the posters information. Being able to have access to the experiences of people like you, Glen are extremely helpful when considering such an expensive purchase and new technology.
    Yes, the preps I was referring to are those done with a conventional high speed handpiece.

    #5295 Reply


    weuse a prophy jet as well and treat anything 20 and over

    #5301 Reply

    Kenneth Luk

    I’ve just registered today and am very excited reading through each post.
    My patients normally would have had their hygiene appointment before examination. In this way, the fissures are generally cleared/ reduced from stains. 40 or above would be treated with Air Abrasion/flowable composite/ hybrid composite in deeper cavities. Fluoride treatment would be prescribed for cases between 20 to 40. Fissure sealants are not used at all since I would not be able to check these areas again in the future.

    #5305 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Welcome Ken.

    Nice to have you on board and participating!


    #5300 Reply

    Kenneth Luk

    Intervention at #40 or above. I’d use air abrasion, using the diagnodent to check on cavity wall and floor. When there is little or no reading, I’ll restore with flowable composite; flowable/hybrid in deep cavities.
    #20to#40, Topical fluoride treatment,review the sites 4 monthly. I don’t carry out fissure sealants so that I can review these sites.
    Generally, fluoride treatment immediately after restorations.

    #5294 Reply



    I am going full cycle on using my Diagnodent- first I did not trust the readings- I guess natural scepticism to a new diagnostic tool. Then I saw that there were also many low readings and this comforted me because I did not feel that we were finding many restorations that did not exist before. Now I seem to get readings of 0 to 4 on teeth that I am able to probe and stick with a sharp explorer and the “moment” sometimes goes to minus one or two. It “seems” that a higher reading should occur. Does anyone else get this kind of response?
    I do calibrate often and take a test reading on a healthy tooth as directed.

    Any response would be helpful

    With thanks, Jerry

    #5296 Reply


    Have kavo check your unit…..make sure it is working properly…your rep will gladly do it…usually very accurate…

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