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  • #3134 Reply


    Hi all,
    It was suggested to me by a regular , contributing member of LDF that it might be a good idea to require the posters to include their name when posting. The thought behind this is to avoid some of the things that have been happening on another forum.

    I believe this could be accomplished easily enough by members modifying their profile to include their name. In a minute I’ll post instructions on how to do that.

    I’m in favor of the suggestion, as putting a name on a post will tend to keep people following good netiquette- only posting what you’re willing to say to someone face to face.

    Please use this post to weigh in yea or nay. If this change is made , the board has the abiliy to email all its members to notify them of the change and give an appropriate time to make the change. After a deadline anyone not making the change could be removed from membership.

    What say ye?

    #8894 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Yes I think anonymity is not great for the forum as I think that it is important to disclose you affiliations with companies.

    Good idea Ron


    #8888 Reply


    I vote for posting our names. I can understand the wish not to post a name on DT. Staff and patients can find their way on to the forum.

    #8892 Reply


    Hi Ron,

    One more vote for posting with a name.

    Hopefully a real one, and not an alias.

    The Forum should not not be exclusive but should certainly be inclusive with dignity for, and, by all.



    #8890 Reply

    I vote for posting with a name
    Hopefully a real one, and not an alias.
    I think like Glenn that anonymity is not great for the forum
    Good idea Ron

    #8891 Reply

    mickey frankl

    I think names is good especialy those of the lovely ladies that Andrew is hugging in his photo


    #8893 Reply


    I, too, would vote for real names. Good idea as the forum gets larger, and more friendly also.

    #8889 Reply


    I am in for real names. Of course I just found out recently that my real name is not actually my real name but that is a whole other story of how government works,…or doesn’t, in Canada. I also like the idea of pictures, like Glen and Andrew I would of course use an accurate picture of myself taken withing the last say… 10 years. smile.gif

    #8895 Reply

    I’m in favor of the suggestion, as putting a name on a post will tend to keep people following good netiquette- only posting what you’re willing to say to someone face to face.

    Well now we know that will only apply to SOME people!! Always baffles me up when I see these rude posts with personal potshots. Wonder if they ever think of the fact that they are eventually going to run into one another at a meeting???

    Think it’s a great idea. If you are going to say something, don’t be afraid to include your real name.


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