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  • #3063 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Hi folks: back from my trip to Anaheim, the meeting was busy with both work for Global (new scope introduced) and Hoya Con Bio and for social (lots of entertainment including a trip to the Boston Redsox and Anaheim Angels, and getting Pedro Martinez autograph in the bar!)

    Got an opportunity to meet several people from the forum at different events and on the exhibitor floor for the first time. Saw the always present Allen Williams who came all the way from Clearwater Florida and stopped by on Friday to check out the Hoya Delight laser and he told me he liked it. It was great talking to him.

    I also ran into Sameer (socalsm) who is HUGE in real life and a very good guy and very knowledgeable about many things including lasers , photography, and the cerec machine. He was at the Biolase booth where I ran into a few people (Keith Bateman, Bill Brown, Alan Reich and a few others). The booth was busy and its a really nice design and fairly open.

    I also ran into Andrew Shearon alias ASI who is from my hometown Vancouver and flew down to look at the various lasers including the Delight and he sure has done alot of research into the topic before buying. He sure isnt an impulse buyer!!

    I had a great time with Bill Greider and the two of us had the opportunity to go to a nice evening meeting with Bob Gregg who with Del Mcarthy put on a nice show with great drinks and also lots of appetizers. It was really great to see Bob in action with his powerpoint show for the Ndyag Periolase 7 and it was informative to see how he is building material for his marketing efforts for the laser . He has positioned himself for the only FDA certified protocol on laser periodontal therapy making it perhaps the only laser capable of regenerating bone.

    His wife Janna is a great lady and I want to publically thank Del and Bob for inviting me to the gathering. I had a great time. Their laser is alot smaller than it looks in the picture here and they have spent alot of time looking at specific issues like TRAINING and SUPPORT and building a unit that is very sleek looking and also dependable.

    Kudos to both of you for all your hard work Del and Bob and for getting a very tough shell to withstand the daggers that many in the perio world have and are throwing.

    Well that was it off the top of my head…….OH ya one last thing. I spent some times with the DEKA lasers people. They are awaiting FDA approval for several lasers including :

    810 and 980 nm Diodes (the 980 will compete with the Biolitec product)

    a 532 nm ( I think its a frequency doubled Nd Yag meaning its half the 1064 nm wavelength) that is a bright green color that is designed for bleaching and for cutting soft tissue like an argon.

    Two Nd Yags (one is larger and one is a table top that are 8 and 10 watt versions that are pulsed (I think there are short versions)).

    Finally , there are the two articulated arm versions that are their flagships including a CO2 unit that they are really positioning for periodontal therapy, and in addition a Erbium Yag .

    The lasers are sleek looking and will give people another choice in the marketplace. Thanks to Chris Justen and to Sonny for showing me the products and to Sonny for sharing a few laughs and cocktails at night.

    Wow , it was a busy show and great to see people…….I hope I didnt forget anyone, and like I said it is neat to see the lasers garnering so much attention.

    Take care.


    #8457 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Hey Glenn,

    Glad you made it back safe and sound.

    It was great to finally meet and spend some time with you!

    Thanks for the kind words and kudos too.

    You really did a fantastic summary of the overall meeting, devices, companies, and people.

    I also got to meet and talk at length with Andrew (ASI). Exactly right, Glenn about his due diligence. Andrew even wanted to know all about my personal background!! (Just checkin’ up). I guess I should post in the Member’s Forum, huh Ron?

    Spoke at length with Allen Williams. Told him I really liked that picture of his “daughter” on Dental Town! :biggrin:

    We also spent some time talking about the mechanism of laser anesthesia with erbium lasers and why, when they are highly absorbed into tooth structure and water, would they induce anesthesia if the beam itself (maybe) doesn’t get to the pulp……we also mused about some future erbium laser device designs, configurations, delivery systems and specifications. Nice to meet you Allen!

    Andy S, a periodontist using the PerioLase came by and got to meet Leigh Colby a long time PerioLase I user. It was fun to watch them discuss results from two very different perspectives…..3 years versus 30 days (and 50 quads)

    Bill Grieder also got together with Leigh Colby. Bill was busting my chops that, “the word on the street is that only Bob and Del get bone regeneration.” Leigh assured Bill it wasn’t so…..

    And it really was quite an honor to have Glenn and Bill come to the MDT hospitality suite to spend the evening with us. These guys are in high demand by their various fans and benefactors, and other activities that it was great to have them stick around for more than just a cameo appearance. Thanks guys.

    Met Sameer and Arun from Dental Town. Spoke at length with my old friend of many years in lasers Bill Brown now a VP with Biolase.

    On a sad note, ADT was not present at the meeting. And one of their recent executives hired for their “turn-around” is now with another laser company.

    And some of those dentists that started using lasers with ADL/ADT 10-14 years ago are still using their dLase 300’s and dLase 500 upgrade lasers and their clinical use has out-lived the company–just as many warned the hot sot executives when they were too cocky, too big, too successful, too highly regarded by Wall Street analysts to listen to their users. Then came the customer class-action lawsuit that was the beginning of the fall…….So sad for the dental laser industry. You’d think other companies will learn from this experience? History suggest they might not if ADT didn’t learn from Premier’s demise. Denial ain’t a river in Egypt.


    #8459 Reply


    I concur, ’twas an outstanding gathering.

    Finally met the colorful Glenn van As(who talks faster than I can think) and got to check out his Global scope. Using an Erbium laser at 10X was truly amazing and now I see what he means. Well, maybe next year(I did order some 4.5X loupes, Glenn, ha ha!!).

    Dr. Robert Gregg was kind enough to show me his scar!!! Had a great time visiting with him and discussing ideas. Finally got to see his Free Running Pulsed Nd: YAG – one of which now officially has a pre-programmed “Allen” setting! Can we change the Pulse Duration on that one, Bob?

    Met Andrew, aka “ASI” from the forum, Tom Haney from Hoya ConBio, Tom Herndon and John Rice from Opus and saw a couple of old friends Jack Miller and Bill Grieder.

    Great meeting just too damn cold in Southern California this time of the year!!!!!!!


    #8455 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Allen ……..I will know now to slooooooooowwwwwwwww down for you next time!!

    Its my mind……racing as fast as my fingers type……..

    Great seeing you and congrats on the loupes. You can see how the magnification helps to view what it is I am seeing with the scope.

    Gonna post a case in a flash on the soft tissue forum.

    See you and thanks for dropping by….great seeing you.


    #8453 Reply


    Hi All,

    This is really a laser love in forum, isn’t it? Admit it! Don’t be shy.

    Sometimes, I feel we are all too alone in doing what we do in dentistry. Then doing laser dentistry is an even more isolated segment of the profession.

    So to have this forum to share our thoughts, experiences, and feelings is a wonderful haven. A safe sanctuary in the universe of dentistry. We are indeed among friends here!

    Very glad to have met some of the members who attended the CDA Conference. I am very impressed with the knowledge of Bob Gregg, Del McCarthy, Bill Grider and of course the rising star himself, Glenn van As.

    I placed my order for the Delight today, by the way.

    Cheers to all,


    #8456 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Good for you Andrew and welcome to the wonderful world of lasers. They arent a panacea for all but they really make life exciting and interesting.

    If you need anything dont hesitate to call……..



    PS thanks for the kind words……if anything is rising its my stomach from the good food and drinks!!

    Great seeing you in Anaheim and sharing a few laughs.


    #8458 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Hi Andrew,

    Congratulations on your DELight decision!  I was sure that’s where you were headed in your decision.  That is my choice in erbiums right now.

    You realize, of course, that the DELight was named after DEL McCarthy?  Right?  Del’s never been the same since….enormous ego now, impossible to deal with.  Told Tom Haney he has ruined a good man.:biggrin:

    Sure, it’s a “love-fest” here–for lasers and what they can do for our patients.  From the practical ways they help us with otherwise clinical difficulties, to the incredible post-op results of previous painful procedures, to the spiritual metaphores for light and healing, and a forum to share it all with those who participate in these experiences we have and we share about our patients’ benefit from our committment to such fantastic technology!!  What’s not to LOVE?!

    Welcome to a world that will change your perspective of dentistry and patient care forever in wonderous ways.

    If the internet and this forum had existed 12 years ago, the field would be futher along, and we’d have a lot more active laser users in dentistry.  Things are gonna change for the positive….. This forum is full of those who certainly have invested in that vision. Glad you now have too!


    #8452 Reply


    Thanks, Glenn & Bob.

    I am looking forward to implementing the Delight into my practice.

    Situations will no doubt arise that will prompt me to ask for help from you guys and others. But at the same time, I feel confident that I have learned much just from reading through all the inputs on the forum. I pick up some pearls almost everytime I come onboard too.

    Regards to all,


    #8451 Reply


    Hey Andrew,
    Congrats on joining us in Erbium heaven! Sorry it’s the Delight…just kidding! I like both the Waterlase and the Delight, but have the Waterlase! You are in for a fun ride! Welcome!

    #8454 Reply


    Thanks, Mark.

    Hope to drop by to see you on May 23 when you are in Vancouver. Looking forward to seeing you and learning more about the numerous procedures that you do with your Waterlase.

    Kindest regards,


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