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  • #5227 Reply

    Hey David ,the new adapter (called the Mora adapter) is awesome and one of a kind in microscopes. It is named after my good friend Assad Mora who worked on it for over a dozen years and I think Zeiss has something there.

    I think that all three scopes have pros and ocns to them and the best thing is to try all three out and find out which one fits your needs.

    If you need a hand with the Global Scope, let me know and I will make sure that you get one in your office.

    Thanks for the kind remarks on the DVD, I am getting a steady stream now of requests , its weird to see the scope gaining steam. Makes me feel good about what I have been doing for the last 7 years.

    Take care David and thanks again, continued success with the scope and I have a good friend of mine Dr. Rick Schmidt who does loupes first then the scope for crowns. Dont forget that you can do this or bump the mag on the scope way down to 2.5X and then bump up where needed. Do the gross reduction of tooth structure with the loupes and the scope for the margins

    Gotta go….conference call for AMED in half an hour and still at work.


    #5197 Reply


    Glenn, My plan is to test drive all three of the scopes. Julio from Global contacted me and we are working out doing a demo. I had hoped to wrap this up before the end of the year but no big deal. I get to keep my money and still use a scope. Now if I could only get Bob to do that with the Periolase!!!
    Today was a pretty good day with the scope. The more I use it the easier it gets but harder as well.It does get tougher to keep yourself in the working field. I have side delivery and I went searching for my handpiece a couple of times. Got to work on that. It still is tough trying to finish certain areas. Like the linguals of upper anteriors at the line angles. It is as if the depth of field is not enough and it appears finished but a second look with the loops and I need to touch up some. Shades are tough. The light is so bright and when you turn it down it yellows out. I have had to turn the light source off , focus on the wall and then go back and check the shades. This is an area that will take some getting used to. You would tink if Belmont can make a color correct op light Zeiss could do the same for the scope.

    Just to keep thing honest. At one point today I want to pitch all the stuff out of the ops. Lasers included. It is just getting smaller and smaller in the ops. The scope takes up a ton of room with a floor stand. Sometimes it just seemed simpler in the old days with just my airturbines and alloy! smile.gif


    #5218 Reply


    I never got that package…did U send it…..

    #5224 Reply


    First, Ron S….we should start a magnification forum….
    second, Glenn, no Global contact yet…
    Ron K…you won’t get it from Glenn unless you get him that spinach!!!! 😉


    (Edited by 2thlaser at 7:52 am on Dec. 2, 2004)

    #5241 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Mark: Geez Louise………I phoned on Friday I think last week and I sent an email to Jeff Kopp. I talked to Gary Vincent the rep and in addition I gave Jay Hegnes the western regional manager both your and Dr. Walls name.

    Give me your address again and phone number. I will phone Jay Hegnes tomorrow myself. God if I have to come down there to give you the darn demo I will . This is ridiculous. I will copy you on the email tonight.

    Ron, I will check tomorrow. I am sure I got my staff to send it out.

    I will check . You think I am not organized but I am trying.

    It will go out tomorrow Ron if it didnt go out yet , but I thought it went out.


    #5198 Reply


    Tomorrow they put the G-6 in the office for a demo. This should be fun.
    Zeiss came in today and put the MORA interface on the pico. I got to say it made a hugh difference. I like it!!!
    Of course the rep talked about Mora new project which was using 3-D video glass linked to the scope. Sounds interesting.

    #5245 Reply

    Glenn van As

    David you should come next year to the AMED meeting, it will be in Tuscon at Loews and the room rates are reasonable at 159.00 USD per night and the meeting will be Nov. 3-5th and will have a hands on portion as well with tons of different courses. I would LOVE to do a Laser and scope hands on course there in 2006.

    Tell me if you need any help with the G6…….

    Its an exciting world out there, and to see Assad Mora work of a screen in 3d as he has had clinicians show the last two years at the meeting is amazing.

    He is a true genius.


    #5193 Reply


    Glenn your a very bad man.
    First after several years of implanting the idea that we must, we must get a scope, you now tell me I must,I must go, to the AMED meeting!
    Your a very bad man!
    Already have it on my book marked off for next year! So many meetings ,So little time to see patients and work! smile.gif

    #5254 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS
    Quote: from dkimmel on 7:34 pm on Dec. 1, 2004
    Glenn, My plan is to test drive all three of the scopes. Julio from Global contacted me and we are working out doing a demo. I had hoped to wrap this up before the end of the year but no big deal. I get to keep my money and still use a scope. Now if I could only get Bob to do that with the Periolase!!!


    It’s called a deferred financing program–no payments for 6 months.:) By then you will have made enough &#36&#36 to pay it off!


    #5202 Reply


    Bob, you to are a very bad man!!

    Back to the scopes. Thought I would share  a view of the demo units.









    E-1 A 001w.jpg








    #5242 Reply

    Glenn van As

    Neat DAvid…….what are your thoughts so far on the scopes.

    Are you able to use them for many things right now. Do you find it much of an improvement over what you are using in loupes.

    DOes your neck feel better, worse.

    How about the video (noticed it on the global scope) what are your thoughts on that.

    Great stuff.


    #5206 Reply


    My neck? It does feel better. At first my back was worst as I was forced to sit up straight.

    Loupes? What loupes ? Who would want to wear stinking loops when they have a scope.

    I tend to have a do it all and do it now mentality. I have backed off a bit. I use the scope on all procedures in one forum or another. However I do go back to my loupes at times. Usually I will start a restorative procedure with the scope and then check my finish with the loupes and then go back to the scope. For some reason I tend to leave flash with the scope. I havve an idea why and will check it out Monday.
    Then again sometimes I get fustrated on lowers and just use the loupes. I still keep trying first and wait til my assistant kicks me.
    Endo on a molar killed me. I did and access prep and lost my orientation. It was a tipped molar but did not appears so at first . It was not pretty.

    Video is way cool. Rather a shame the Sieler did not have the video setup . None of the scopes have still camera setups. Darn. The video is great for the assistant and patient. I think it is a must. The quality of the video is better on the Gobal then the Zeiss. The cost of adding video and the camera does start to bring the overall cost up a bit high. That and you have a bunch of stuff hanging of the scope. I have been thinking that there are some really nice high resoultion video cameras that you can take stills with . They are small and the cost might be close to that of adding a good camera and the marginal video camera. I usually am wrong on stuff like this so I’ll have to check it out. With my luck the good video camera cost more then the scope!! smile.gif

    I have noticed a hugh difference in light sources. The best of the 3 is Global. Nice bright white light where as the Zeiss is yellow. There is not a dimmer on the Global which is a mistake but I am sure can be added. The fiber optic cable looks to be the same size on the Zeiss as the Global so I can try a different light source on the Zeiss. The Seiler has a much larger fiber optic bundle.

    Zeiss does have a more refined product. I do like when you push the unit away everything shuts off. The MORA interface is a hugh plus. It puts the Zeiss up a notch. The Golbal rep did say they will have such an attachment in 2005. I also think the Carr extender is a nice feature for the Global.

    It has been fun having 3 ops with scopes. The one draw back is now just having one scope. I can tell already that the scope will be like my loupes . I won’t beable to do restorative without them.

    #5237 Reply

    Glenn van As

    David : acouple of things.

    Glad your neck feels better, it should with the scope.

    Just because you have the high mag doesnt mean you have to use it all the time. I use lower mags for cutting the gross tooth structure in crowns, putting in anaesthetic, placing ortho brackets, keeping parallelism for bridge preps, doing endo accesses in lingually tipped molars (I feel your pain), placing rubber dams, checking for undercuts at the end of preps.

    Video is cool and an absolute must combined with the ergonomics of the inclinable binocs.

    There are a number of 3 chip video cameras that can be attached to the Global Xmount. I have the Sony TRV950 which gives 1 megapisel stills. Cameras are coming out now that give 3 megapixel stills with one chip video.

    The cost is far less for this setup than the one chip video from the companies (the lipstick video) but the size is far greater.

    That light source for Global is the metal halide and it does have a dimmer inside the box. You can adjust it up or down by turning the knob on the light source. It is there.

    Both Global and Zeiss (I am not sure about Seiler) have a Xenon bulb that is the brightest. The metal halide bulb is very small and provides alot of light. The Xenon is much bigger , and more expensive.

    Interesting that Metal Halide bulbs dont do well when they are turned on and off all day long. Xenons are fine as are Halogens (they dont last long anyways) but the Metal Halides are best left on or off, not constantly switching. I know this from talking to the Global engineers about it.

    Finally as for the number of scopes, many will equip 2 ops with arms and light sources for the Global which can be easily disconnected at the top of the scope. The optics cost 75% of the product and they can be carried easily from room to room. The arms are around 3-4K per room. I am going to do this in my hygiene rooms where I only need one scope per two ops. I might try to put a lightweight video camera on the optics to carry from room to room as well for new patient exams and also for patient education. I think a one chip camera is all I would need.

    I will post it when I get it all setup (the third scope is arriving in January).


    #5250 Reply

    Kenneth Luk

    Panasonic produce videos with 3CCD instead of the usual 1 CCD.
    There are three versions for still pictures: 1.7meg, 2.3meg and 4.0 meg ( slightly bigger than the other two ).

    #5184 Reply

    Quote: from Glenn van As on 2:44 am on Dec. 12, 2004
    Neat DAvid…….what are your thoughts so far on the scopes.

    Are you able to use them for many things right now.  Do you find it much of an improvement over what  you are using in loupes.

    DOes your neck feel better, worse.  

    How about the video (noticed it on the global scope) what are  your thoughts on that.

    Great stuff.


    Well, today was my day to join the scope club. Seiler Revelation from Stefan Lugar. Tried the Global last year and couldn’t do anything with it. Of course I later found out the salesman put the binocs on upside down, not the kind of local support I wanted sad.gif

    Glenn, I can’t tell you how much your video helped. On the way home tonight, I was still trying to figure out why some mandibular bicuspids were upside down when I worked on them and then I remembered ‘chair position’. I had been working on 13 and moved to the buccal of 20 and 21- moved the scope and forgot to move the chair. Will know for next time. BTW, do you have a ‘left handed ‘version of that DVD so I don’t have to interpet it? 😉

    Assistants worked off the video and said they could see their positioning, but not the tooth I was working on. Should they see that also?

    Video in the ceiling- is this positioned 12 o’clock to the chair? Otherwise how does the patient see around the scope?

    Anyway, did fills on 6,11,13,20,21,14,2 this afternoon and all I can say is wow! Sat up straight and saw things I know I wouldn’t have seen before. Its true- you can’t see what you can’t see.


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