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  • #2774 Reply


    Hi Guys
    I saw a patient recently that mentioned a numb lower left lip after having a free gingival graft procedure done almost a year ago. I have seen Ron’s case on this forum previously and told the patient about it. The patient was very excited and wanted to give it a try. She indicated the numb area on her lip with a pen.


    I used Ron’s post as a guideline and treated the patient with the Nd:YAG at 20Hz, 150mJ pulse energy with 100usec pulse duration. A total of 4000J was applied. Just like Ron mentioned I also found “hot spots” that I applied more energy to. I saw the patient a week later and asked her to indicate the numb area again.


    The patient is of course very pleased at this point. I have treated her with the laser again today, bumping up the enrgy slightly to 200mJ and used a total of 4200J. Even if things stabilize at this point I think it has been a big success.

    Thanks to everybody that contributed to Ron’s thread!!
    Take care

    (Edited by etienne at 1:08 am on July 26, 2006)

    #5872 Reply


    Awesome inprovement.
    I know you just changed that patients life for the better.

    #5873 Reply


    Thanks Ron!
    And also thank you for sharing your case on the forum!! Without guys like you and the other regulars on LDF we would all be in the dark.
    Take care

    #5876 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS


    Ditto on that awesome by Ron. Ditto the kudos to Ron for the post.

    However you deliver the total joules, it doesn’t matter all that much as long at the basic parameters are short pulse 20 hz, the power is relative to comfort and spot size over the area.

    Great service!


    #5874 Reply


    Thanks Bob!
    If the short pulse is that important, can it be done with a diode?
    I know of people who have tried and failed with diodes. Do you know of successful cases?
    Take care

    #5877 Reply

    Robert Gregg DDS

    Hi Etienne,

    Diodes are continuous wave, and have no ability to attain the peak powers that a FRP Nd:YAG can with the short pulse duration (intensity of beam). The best they can do is interrupted gated pulse with no true peak pulse power–just a garden hose effect of photons vs a crimped and released hose.

    Therefore CW diodes are more like the long pulse durations and we know that mostly warms the tissues. Good for hemostasis when applied properly, just not so good for consistent results in biostim.

    That and 20 hz seems to be extremely critical.

    Good discussion!


    #5875 Reply


    Why can a diode not achieve the high peak energy that a FRP Nd:YAG can? Due to the way that the laser energy is actually created?

    I recall that conventional laser is brought about by electron stimulation, emission and radiation (based on Einstein’s postulation) whereas diode laser light is brought about by electrical charging of a diode?

    Somebody told me once that it would be possible to achieve the same energy levels with a diode but that the power supply would be the size of my operatory and such would not be economically viable.

    Any thoughts?
    Take care

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