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  • #2827 Reply


    Here is a way to quickly check you Er laser if you don't have a meter.

    #6418 Reply


    Not sure how to add a series of pictures on a thread..
    So hang in there. What you do take a tip holder and place PVS in the end. Cut it back 2mm from the tip. Then place a hole 4mm deep . Put composite in the hole.

    #6419 Reply


    Now fire the laser for 10sec . You must use the same tip size and settings each time to make a standard. Then check the depth of the hole made. You can make as series of these and just quickly check the laser before use.

    #6421 Reply

    Lee Allen


    Very clever. So, this is a relative measure of the energy output which will show if there is a diminished delivery. I assume that you would make up several of these to use periodically or perhaps with each patient.

    Considering your time, how long would it take to be equal to the $$ to buy a meter?

    I like it, however. Beats the wet paper towel method.

    Lee Allen

    #6420 Reply


    As far as expense I just have the staff make them up when they have some down time. So for me it is not worth the cost of a meter. That and the fact the Periolase has a built in meter. I use these when ever I just don't feel the the laser is cutting correctly. What I should do is have my assistant test fire the laser when she sets it up and if there is a problem to catch me before we set the patient…..

    Hope all is well and enjoy the Holidays..

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